High School Dropouts

Most young people in the US often wonder why policy makers and stakeholders in the education sector discourage students from dropping out of school. Although the primary objective is to ensure that students have promising future career prospects, high school dropouts also put undue pressure on the US economy. According to Tischler, high school dropouts present a human resource that is underutilized. This implies that reduction in the number of highschool dropouts can actually have positive implications for the US economy.

First, students who dropout from school at high school level end up being employed in in low paying jobs because they lack the essential skills to secure better paying jobs. This implies that they end up paying lower taxes than they would have paid had they successfully graduated. Secondly, the government uses taxpayers money to provide important service such as health and a range of other amenities. Furthermore, dropouts are often of poorer health implying that they often need medical services more than the rest of the population.

Dropouts basically deny the government much needed taxpayers money. Thirdly, due to their low paying jobs high school dropouts are often not able to afford basic needs such access to medical services and other important services. This puts pressure on the government to use taxpayers money to provide assistance to ensure that all people have access to important services such as health and legal representation. Fourth, half of the population in US prisons are highschool dropouts. The cost of putting these people behind bars is high and is covered by the taxes paid by the segment of the population that chose to graduate from high school. Finally, dropouts are less likely to vote during national elections. This implies that they do not take part in ensuring that responsible individuals are elected for important positions. In essence, they depend on the rest of the population to make the decision for them.

The discussion basically reveals that high school dropouts present a segement of the population that puts undue pressure on the government and tax payers. This is because they are unable to contribute to the economy as they are expected. Furthermore, they force the rest of the population to carry their burden through government assistance with regard to access to important services such as health. Reducing the dropout rate should be an important consideration for policy makers as a way of relieving the economy from undue pressure caused by high school drop outs.

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